Claygate Floral Club
Affiliated to Surrey NAFAS
Welcome to Claygate Floral Club. We are a friendly club who love flowers and floral design.
Established in 1967, we are your local flower club with just over 50 members. The Club is run by members for members and we have a small committee of volunteers, who meet regularly to ensure the club runs smoothly.
The Club meets the first Wednesday of every month, except in August and January at the Holy Trinity, Church Hall, Claygate. KT10 0JP.
Doors open at 19.00 for a 19.30 start.
During club night we welcome a guest flower arranger- or demonstrator, who creates and arrangers a number of floral designs.
Visitors and new members are welcome. You don’t need to have had any experience of flower arranging or live in Claygate.
We are affiliated to NAFAS- the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies
Get in touch with us if you'd like to join or get involved
Vivien Withers - Club Chair
Contact us by using this form: